
Acts—The Church Afire is unavailable, but you can change that!

Dynamic churches—congregations that are experiencing phenomenal growth, Christian ministries that God is using to take down walls, churches where souls are being saved and lives transformed—inspire us and make for great reading. The book of Acts, the divinely inspired history of the early church, is all this and more. This encouraging commentary on a marvelous Bible book is sure to challenge all...

they did not care. They probably took him outside the city where the witnesses repeated their charges, threw him down an embankment (it was the witnesses’ privilege to do so), and cast great stones on him, followed by more stones from the crowd. Frederick Buechner describes it this way: Stoning somebody to death, even somebody as young and healthy as Stephen, is not easy. You do not get the job done with the first few rocks and broken bottles, and even after you get the man down, it is a long, hot
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